Mesothelioma Symptoms

Mesothelioma, typically caused by asbestos exposure, is a cancer of the mesothelium or the protective lining surrounding the lungs, abdomen or heart. Though advancements towards

What are the most common warning signs

What are the most common warning signs of mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is difficult to diagnose because the early signs and symptoms of the disease can be subtle or mistaken. Symptoms are all too frequently ignored or dismissed by people who are inclined to attribute them

Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer affecting the membrane lining of the lungs

Mesothelioma Cancer

What Causes Mesothelioma? Mesothelioma is a cancer that occurs in the mesothelium, a thin membrane encompassing the body’s internal organs and cavities. Mesothelioma is caused by asbestos exposure

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mercredi 17 juillet 2013

Purchasing for Underwear After Tummy Tucks

One of the fun encounters for sufferers who have recovered from their tummy tucks is going purchasing lingerie. If you're preparing an tummy tuck abdominoplasty, you can probably correspond with this encounter. With a loose and flabby, sagging belly lingerie shopping probably hasn't been much fun in the last. Looking at your pre-op representation in the putting on a costume space representation can be absolutely frustrating if you don't like the way your mid-section looks. Once you have a smooth belly, your shapes will look better than ever and it can be fairly fascinating to buy new lingerie. Getting your guy along can add to the sport.

When to Shop
If you're preparing to have your tummy tuck abdominoplasty procedure conducted soon, you may be willing to store even before your function. That's not the best concept because you won't know what your determine will truly look like until you have absolutely recovered. Part of the procedure of restoration after this function contains dressed in pressure apparel and enabling liquids to strain. You won't be able to get the complete impact until treatment has taken place. Tummy tucks take a few several weeks to absolutely restore from.

Who to Bring
It's fun to carry a buddy or associate who will discuss in your celebration of purchasing lingerie after your tummy tucks have recovered. You can either carry them into the putting on a costume space with you or design the lingerie for them. Often, lingerie shops have relaxed sitting for partners of customers. Some shops provide sparkling bottles or bottles. During your shopping exercise, you might want to look at negligees, bears, and other slinky products. After your surgery treatment, all of these apparel will look more perfect than ever before.

Where to Shop
Although you can find reasonably cost lingerie at retailers and lower price sites, it's a cure to store at the elegant shops, at least originally. Buying your first slinky underwear after your tummy tucks have recovered should be the celebration that it is. After the preliminary celebratory shopping occasion, then you can go to the lower price locations but cure yourself to a fairly establishing that provides delicate underwear in every shade of the spectrum. Bring your buddy, sip your sparkling bottles, and appreciate your new determine.

After tummy tucks, purchasing lingerie can be fun for the first time. Looking in the representation at your flat-bellied representation and having your buddy or associate along for the drive will be something you'll always keep in mind.

dimanche 23 juin 2013

Alcool : il double le risque d'AVC dans l'heure qui suit la consommation

Le risque de survenue d'un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) ischémique (par occlusion d'une artère cérébrale) est doublé dans l'heure qui suit la consommation d'alcool, selon une étude américaine publiée dans la revue spécialisée Stroke.
La consommation régulière élevée d'alcool a été associée au risque à long terme d'AVC, tandis qu'une consommation régulière légère ou modérée semble protectrice, mais un tel danger associé à une exposition transitoire à l'alcool n'était pas connu jusqu'à présent, soulignent des chercheurs de la faculté de médecine de Harvard.
C'est pourquoi, ces derniers ont étudié le délai d'apparition des symptômes et le type d'alcool consommé, chez 390 patients victimes de ce type d'accident vasculaire. Parmi eux, 248 ont rapporté une consommation d'alcool dans l'année précédente, 104 dans les 24 heures précédant l'AVC et 14 dans l'heure précédant l'évènement.
Le risque d'AVC dans l'heure qui suivait cette consommation s'est révélé multiplié par 2,3, et par 1,6 dans la seconde heure. L'élévation initiale du risque était par ailleurs présente dès la consommation d'un seul verre d'alcool, notent les auteurs. En revanche, il n'a pas été observé de différence significative entre les différents types d'alcool (vin, bière ou alcool fort) influant sur ce risque. Enfin, la prise en compte des autres facteurs déclenchants n'affectait pas non plus ces résultats.
"On peut émettre l'hypothèse qu'au cours du temps, les personnes qui boivent de grandes quantités d'alcool mais rarement subissent des effets délétères aigus, tandis que les personnes qui n'en consomment que de petites quantités mais fréquemment s'exposent également à une élévation du risque, qui reste transitoire et est probablement compensée en partie par une réduction ultérieure du risque", suggèrent les auteurs./cd/ar

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